Seedtime on the Path: Pause and Ponder Reflection

Fr La’s weekly ‘Pause and Ponder’ from along the Pilgrim Path at Lough Derg. This week’s reflection – ‘Seedtime on the Path’.

Seedtime on the Path

The bonnie rowan berries signal seedtime.

The angelica umbrellas, too, have gone to seed.

Path walkers know how vigorous the brambles grow.

A late-season butterfly takes time to suck some nectar

unwittingly joining the host of helpful insects

that visited earlier flowers to leave bright berries.

The fireweed’s vivid banks of bloom are past

and in their place stand skeins of feathery seeds

awaiting a wind to bear them off and away.

And thistledown in puffy clouds is poised for flight:

catching today’s light breeze but holding on.

Moving my gaze within, I notice a movement

in my spirit that mourns for what is passing while it hopes

for a season of new growth in time to come.


Fr La Flynn

30 August 2021


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